Support us!

The St. Boniface Institute has set itself the task of defending Catholic teaching clearly and unequivocally, in the face of all adversity.

2000 years of Catholic tradition teach us that as Christians, we cannot remain neutral to the events happening around us.

Having realised this, we have begun to track and analyse the political changes in the Church and in the world, and to set up our own network of independent sources of information on current events.

With the help of this network, we hope to succeed in creating the conditions for political change towards a social order that is oriented towards God, in which He comes first and is publicly worshipped.

By supporting the St. Boniface Institute, you will be making a contribution towards the salaries of our employees (researchers) and help us finance our lecture tours, our conferences and a vatiety of public campaigns.

Please also support us with your prayers, because none of our plans will be successful without God’s help.

Banking details

St. Bonifatius Institut

IBAN: AT901919000000282509
Payment reference: Donation